The meeting was attended by deputies of the «Nur Otan» party Faction in the Mazhilis of the Parliament, secretaries and leaders of Maslikhat factions.
During the meeting, the reports of the first Deputy Chairman of the party B.Baibek and individual representatives of the branches of the party in the regions were heard.
After hearing the speakers, Elbasy noted the work of all party members who contributed to the formation and development of «Nur Otan».
- «Nur Otan» represents the diversity of our society. We are the party of all the people of Kazakhstan and the party of real affairs, responsible for the future of the country. We have a clear vision of Kazakhstan's development, approved a specific strategy and work plans, provided the necessary resources, - said the First President of Kazakhstan.
The Chairman of the party also pointed to the importance of consolidating society around the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and taking measures to implement the tasks set by the Head of state.
The Chairman of the party also pointed to the importance of consolidating society around the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and taking measures to implement the tasks set by the Head of state.
In addition, Nursultan Nazarbayev elaborated on the achievements of Kazakhstan during the years of independence, stressing that all the successes of the country are inextricably linked with the party and the daily work of all party members.
- In recent years, Kazakhstan's GDP has grown from 11 billion to 170.5 billion USA dollars. If in the early 90s more than a third of the population was below the poverty line, today this figure has fallen to 4.6%. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP is 27%, although we did not have private ownership. We have attracted more than $300 billion in foreign direct investment. Over the years, we have managed to significantly strengthen the transit potential of Kazakhstan, - said Elbasy.
At the same time, the First President of Kazakhstan pointed to the importance of organizing work to promote and explain the key priorities of the development Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2050.
Nursultan Nazarbayev highlighted the government's plans for the further development of certain sectors of the economy.
- The government has adopted programs to support the regions, especially aimed at supporting villages, creating new jobs and addressing social issues. For example, until 2026 it is planned to allocate about 2 trillion tenge to support villages. In the next 3 years, 560 billion tenge will be allocated to provide the population with clean drinking water. If there is a clear control of implementation, then by the end of 2023 all rural areas will have access to quality drinking water, - said The Chairman of the party.
Elbasy also spoke about the planned measures to increase the share of SMB in the country's economy and the projected results of the «Enbek» program.
- In the next 2 years, the program «Enbek» will cover about 1.5 million people, it is planned to create more than 750 thousand jobs. About 1 million apartments will be built in 2020-2025, - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
During the meeting, the first President of Kazakhstan identified a number of key areas for further improving the effectiveness of the party on the ground.
- We need to radically strengthen the party responsibility of each akim and deputies of the faction in maslikhats. Today, all reforms are aimed at the development of regions. So, only in the last 10 years, local budgets have grown almost 3 times, amounting to 4.7 trillion tenge. It is important to ensure clear party control over the spending of allocated funds. In addition, measures should be taken to further improve the work of deputies and strengthen the status of all maslikhats, - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
In addition, the Chairman of the «Nur Otan» party instructed to ensure the preparation of election programs for each region, city and district.
- Next year, the implementation of five-year programs for the development of territories is completed. The need for new programmes coincided with a new electoral cycle. Therefore, the new programs should become the basis of the party's pre-election programs for elections to maslikhats in each region. As for the election program of the Nur Otan party for the elections to the Majilis, the Prime Minister, as a member of the Bureau of the political Council, should personally lead this work and now begin to develop this program, - the First President of Kazakhstan said.
At the same time, Elbasy pointed to the importance of open internal party selection for the formation of high-quality party lists.
- Pre-election party lists in each maslikhat should include at least 30% of women and 20% of young people under 35 years old. Also, the lists should include representatives of different segments of the population, compatriots returning to their homeland, people with special needs, entrepreneurs and media representatives, - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The Chairman of the party also noted the need to strengthen the work of party bodies in the field and increase the consolidating role of the party in the regions of the country.
At the end of his speech, Elbasy once again stressed the importance of strengthening the work of the party in the pre-electoral period.
- We must concentrate all resources to achieve victory. A party Congress will be held in February. At it, we will summarize the preliminary results of the reset and discuss in detail the future electoral tasks. Now «Jas Otan» together with government agencies is preparing a new program «Jastar-Otanga» until 2025. It will reflect the answers to all the needs of modern youth. In April, the new program should be submitted to the Congress «Jas Otan», - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.
During the meeting, Elbasy awarded the «Belsendі qyzmetі úshіn» medal to active party members for his contribution to the establishment and development of «Nur Otan».
Source: https://elbasy.kz/ru/news/2019-11/nursultan-nazarbaev-vstretilsya-s-predstavitelyami-regionalnykh-filialov-partii-nur